FNaF World is an indie role-playing video game created by Scott Cawthon. It is an official spin-off to the popular Five Nights at Freddy's series. Although originally scheduled for February 2, 2016, the game was released on January 21, 2016 in an unfinished state, missing key features and being generally unstable. Because of that, the game was met with negative reviews and criticism, which led to Cawthon temporarily taking it down on January 25, 2016. He issued that he launched the game too early and started offering refunds, announcing that the game will be made available for free on Game Jolt.
The player has two modes to play in: Adventure and Fixed Party. The game has two difficulty levels to choose from, Normal and Hard Mode. The player starts by choosing two parties consisting of four characters each. The starter characters are Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Toy Freddy, Toy Chica, Toy Bonnie and Mangle, and can all be swapped in and out of the party. As the player continues they collect more characters to place in their party. Along the way, a character known as Fredbear will give you tips on what to do next. There are four different endings to get and trophies to collect as well. There are several different locations and areas for the player to explore, and once they have been discovered, the player can teleport to each area (referred to as "Jumping" in-game). Many enemy characters can be found throughout the game, each exclusive to their own areas (though some have counterparts found in different areas), which can be battled with. Upon defeating an enemy, the player will gain experience points and "Faz tokens", which are are used to buy upgrades such as chips and bytes to aid the player during the game.
Visit to: five nights at freddy's
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